Hold On (Universal Blues)

When your mind is engulfed with worry
You don’t know which way to turn
And the dark clouds of anxiety
How they make your stomach churn

And the simplest task seems mountain high
The frustration and the pain

Desperately reaching for yesterday
Oh, to feel happy once again

Hold on child,
Maybe only, to just a single strand
Reach within the depths of your fragile mind
And try to understand

If you can capture one moment of hope
Within the trauma of the day
It will stay within your body and soul
Where the foundations of recovery lay

When you venture out into the world
You’re defences they’re now stripped bare
A thousand eyes gaze before you
In unison they stare

It’s only a self-conscious vision
But, how it seems so real
I understand the road you are on
And exactly how you feel

When you find just a moment’s solace
As the day turns into night
The welcome arms of restful sleep
Open up some moments of respite

You’re on a road of discovery
It will twist and turn each day
Sometimes up, sometimes down
Sometimes golden, sometimes grey

And for those waking moments;
Depression at its most potent force
Ride the storm; hang on in there
Let nature take its course

For morning time is not easy
When the body meets the mind
Here you must have courage
And slowly you will find

Depression can be conquered
If you remember who you are
You’ve taken a fall; hit the wall
Now you must raise the bar

Tread softly through each day
Move within your own steady pace
Hold on to you’re achievements
This is recovery; not a race






Do not deny yourself
Those special moments
However childlike they seem

A walk in the park, a chocolate bar
A glossy magazine

One day, your mood will lift
A ray of light will shine

Can’t say exactly when

But when it does,
The feeling is sublime

You’ve broken through a barrier
You’re swimming with the tide
Keep your wholesome discipline
Nurture those feelings deep inside

You’re now in the ascendancy
Only one direction to go
Returning to normality
Yes, let those teardrops flow

And now the clouds have finally dispersed
Remember who you are
But say a prayer for those who didn’t make it
For them a bridge too far.